As Seen On

Join us in The Soul Fire Collective! 

step into your power in every area of life.

A community where you will connect with your higher self, God-Source, never before.

So many women live a disempowered life of low self-worth and sabotage

Have you ever wondered why do some women seem to constantly thrive... while others struggle no matter how hard they try?

You might be wondering: "Maybe there's a 'secret' breakthrough that I don't know about?" "Maybe I haven't uncovered the REAL reason behind why I haven't manifested any of my desires till now?"

why do others thrive but not me?


"How Is It That Other Women Can Have What They Want… 

But Not Me?”

Does it feel like you’ve tried all the things...

religious teachings, self-help books, yoga postures, self-isolation, audio tools, brainwaves, subliminal hypnosis...but nothing's worked

Do you find yourself drowning in negativity, and struggling with feelings of frustration and inadequacy? Work stress. Financial stress. Emotional stress. You name it - they just keep coming.

Sure you know you should purge negativity from your mind. You know you should improve your emotional health. But after spending hours in meditation, or pawing over self-help books - you barely see any positive effects.

Perhaps things change for a day or a week, but after that….you’re right back to where you started. What if you could turn OFF all your negative thoughts and find Peace and Mental Clarity without having to spend months on therapy to “let go” of the dead weights you’ve been carrying around for so long?



I live my life by the magic

of the Universe + synchronicity.

I am your host Meg Schwarzrock!

After financial struggles in my early 20s and learning that aligning with money was all about shifting my energetic vibration, I became OBSESSED with improving myself with all things energy + manifesting.

This journey into understanding that money is also energy propelled me to grow a 7-figure business in my 30s.

My innate spiritual knowing since childhood + my energy obsession opened me up years later to Energy Healing when our youngest son struggled with stomach issues. 

Energy healing healed my son from debilitating stomach issues as a 5th grader. I knew that these experiences prepared me to help people understand spirituality, the soul journey, the magic of energy, and how it shapes ALL areas of life…

Health, Wealth, and Opportunity. Understanding Universal Laws and Spiritual Principles changed it all for me, + it will change it all for YOU. 

We are all spiritual beings here for a human experience. When we step back into our souls, knowing and remembering who we are on a soul level, we align with the abundance we are created for. 

I live with the JOY of helping my clients step into their power and find the flow + ease on their soul journey, whether it be love, wealth, health, or opportunity.

“Gabi was born with intuitive abilities. She has been able to see and communicate with the spirit world since she was little….”

Gabi  is a wealth activator for 7 + 8-figure entrepreneurs, helping to remove energetic blocks to expand their wealth and showing them that even in a high-pressure world, they can build a business that’s more aligned with who they are on the soul level.

Gabrielle Marguerite,

Soul Fire Collective co-host.

imagine A life WHERE


Now introducing...

The Soul Fire Collective

The Soul Fire Collective is a membership community for women like no other!

Here's what you get when you join The Soul Fire Collective...

walk away with:




Every week you'll receive teachings with Meg + Gabi. Including Selective Intuitive readings and Cellular Regeneration for those in the group. On each LIVE session,  3-5 members will be selected for cellular rejuvenation with something they feel in their physical, emotional or physical body. Spirit will guide Gabi based on what needs to be cleared.

walk away with:

Learn how to soul activate so you can heal yourself.

Learn to clear energy blocks to make more money.

Learn ways to LOVE yourself more so you start attracting what you are worth.

Learn how to tap into your intuition and activate your soul fire.

walk away with:




Every single day of the year get daily guidance, inspiration and motivation inside our private members area.

Each month the daily postings will focus on theme of the month, Receive extra support within the Soul Fire Collective as you implement the teachings into your daily life.

walk away with:

Physical guidance, inspiration, motivation.

Emotional guidance, inspiration, motivation.

Mental guidance, inspiration, motivation.

Energetic guidance, inspiration, motivation.

walk away with:




The Soul Fire Collective is a membership community for women like no other! Gabi and I are light workers here to change the world by teaching you the miracles within… 

A community where you will connect with your higher self, God- Source, Creator, like never before.

Guiding you to energetically step into your power in every area of your life, creating a ripple effect of miracles in body, mind, and spirit. The Soul Fire Collective is an experience for every cell in your body.

walk away with:

Monthly MIND- BODY- SOUL- giveaways with a chance to WIN prizes.

PROMO codes to shop our favorite things.

Special Guest Speakers for additional monthly trainings.

Quantum Leaps in every area of your life.

Finally clear the internal  blocks holding you back

Experience that "aha" moment where you finally understand why you've been struggling no matter how hard you've tried...

Discover how to release emotional baggage and unlock your true manifestation potential

start the emotional and spiritual healing you need and want to achieve inner freedom

Realize that what you deserve is much more than what you already have. 

​You’ll feel truly worthy of your desires… giving you the spark to turn them into reality!

Ready to Start Making Your Desires Come True?

Without spending hours reading about vague theories.  

Without running up against the same obstacles.  

Without struggling for years and wondering why things never work out for you...

No matter how long you’ve felt “stuck”

Join the Soul Activation Collective and learn simple ways of changing the narrative in your mind from one of frustration and lack to one of joy, abundance, and fulfillment!

Learn easy techniques for “letting go” of everyday stresses so that you can envision new possibilities for your future (this is the first step to turning what you want into reality)! 

Ability to quickly move past physical, emotional, mental and energetic “roadblocks” to unlock your true potential and achieve more than you ever dreamed possible! 

Introduce the Bonuses Here.


name of the super bonus

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.



name of the super bonus

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.



name of the super bonus

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


achieve more than you ever dreamed possible!

simple pricing

Choose the best option for you

Main Offering Title here Example one

Main Offering Title here Example one VALUE $997

Main Offering Title here Example two

Main Offering Title here Example two VALUE $497

Main Offering Title here Example three VALUE $97

Main Offering Title here Example three

Main Offering Title here Example four

Main Offering Title here Example four VALUE $197

bonus Offering Title here Example one

bonus Offering Title here Example one VALUE $997

bonus Offering Title here Example two

bonus Offering Title here Example two VALUE $997

Value $997

Value $497

Value $97

Value $197

Value $997

Value $997

Total Value = $2,132

Regular Price = $1,497

Today’s Price:




Get Access to Exclusive Soul Fire Collective Bonuses With Your Membership














ONLY $800/YR

Get Two Months Free When You Sign Up For Our Annual Subscription & Save.












“This morning I woke up with a sense of hope I haven't had for some time...”

I've been waking up every night at 3 am for a long time now. I can't get last night out of my mind. I laid awake talking to Jesus for sometime. This morning I woke up with a sense of hope I haven't had in some time. I'm truly shocked and amazed by last nights meeting. I've had so many medical issues, skipping from specialist to specialist. I'm ready to heal!


Get in on the Soul Fire Collective

You deserve more!

Gabi and I both know that our 1:1 private coaching isn’t in everyone’s budget.

That's why we created the Soul Fire Collective as a way to help more people with our gifts and make it affordable.

Everyone is worthy, and we are on a mission to plant gardens globally. 

We can’t wait to change the world with you! 

Soul-ed out to LOVE + LIGHT, Meg + Gabi.


You may experience SOUL FIRE activations in

-Soul Growth

-Clarity in all areas of your life

-Aligned relationships 

-New relationships

-Growing bank accounts

-Feeling better in your skin

-Feeling better in your body

-Peace like a river

-A breakthrough in past emotional pain

-A love and respect for yourself you didn’t know you needed

-Better sex

-Radiating of high vibe energy attracting more high vibe people

-An influx of opportunities

Seriously don't wait,

this is an extremely limited offer.

Here's what others are saying...

“Everything in my life has fallen into place and I was a mess before working with Meg...”

Working with Meg over the past two years has completely changed my perspective on how I look at life and my mindset! Everything in my life has fallen into place and I was a mess before working with Meg. I look back at all my progress with Meg in the last year and a half and know that working with her has made such a difference. I am so thankful for all her continuous help and advice.

Mac M.

“I am amazed at the person I am today compared to the person I was when I first met Meg.”

The amount of self-healing that has happened from working with Meg is mind-blowing. I have always heard “it’s all about perspective” when it comes to living a happy life, but Meg taught me HOW to change my perspective, and she taught me in a way that will stick with me forever. She has a gift, and her goal is to share her gift with others to empower them and help them attract their worth. The progress I have made mentally, emotionally, and spiritually is incredible.

Abigail W.

“My life has turned around more than I can explain in less than two months.”

“I know after this last session something has been different in a really good way.”

an experience for every cell in your body.

So What Will Becoming A Member of The Soul Fire Collective Do for You?




So What Will Becoming A Member of The Soul Fire Collective Do for You?

So What Will Becoming A Member of The Soul Fire Collective Do for You?

Call to action to buy + stack what’s included

Your awesome Program Name here

Main Offering Title here Example one VALUE $997

Main Offering Title here Example one

Main Offering Title here Example two

Main Offering Title here Example two VALUE $497

Main Offering Title here Example THREE

Main Offering Title here Example THREE VALUE $97

Main Offering Title here Example FOUR

Main Offering Title here Example FOUR VALUE $197

bonus Offering Title here Example one

bonus Offering Title here Example one VALUE $997

bonus Offering Title here Example two

bonus Offering Title here Example two VALUE $997

Total Value = $2,132

Regular Price = $1,497

Today’s Price:


Frequently Asked Questions.

How will the weekly trainings be delivered? What happens if I can't make the live call?

Each week we'll gather for LIVE trainings held via zoom and streamed into the private Facebook group. While we encourage everyone to join us live, we know that sometime life gets in the way.

No worries. We gotcha! Each training call will be recorded and made available for viewing in the private members area.

What is your cancellation policy...can I get a refund if this is not for me?

Once you join the Soul Fire Collective we're sure you'll never want to leave :) However, you are free to leave at any time, there are no contracts. Due to the nature of the work, we do not offer any refunds. Just contact us at and your next billing payment will be stopped.

I have a friend who could really benefit from this teaching - is it OK to share this page with others?

Yes! Absolutely - we want to get this message out to as many people as possible. Our mission is to teach and lead people to their own healing. As a collective our mission is to shift not only our lives, but the planet.

How much support will I get? How much time should I set aside to do the work?

Each week we will have a LIVE training with group coaching via Zoom, for approx 1 hour. On each LIVE session,  3-5 members will be selected for cellular rejuvenation with something they feel in their physical, emotional or physical body.

In additional you'll receive daily posts in the private Facebook group to support you in implementing the teaching of the month.

Our intention is to support you in integrating these teachings into your daily life and to help you tap into your own innate gifts. This is not about learning a bunch of theory or vague concepts, this is experiential learning were you will experience fundamental shifts as we move through this journey together.

Energetically step into your power in every area of your life, creating a ripple effect of miracles in body, mind, and spirit.



Listen in On Our Intro Session...


Soul Fire Collective

Main Offering Title here Example one VALUE $997

Main Offering Title here Example one

Main Offering Title here Example two

Main Offering Title here Example two VALUE $497

Main Offering Title here Example THREE

Main Offering Title here Example THREE VALUE $97

Main Offering Title here Example FOUR

Main Offering Title here Example FOUR VALUE $197

bonus Offering Title here Example one

bonus Offering Title here Example one VALUE $997

bonus Offering Title here Example two

bonus Offering Title here Example two VALUE $997

Value $997

Value $497

Value $97

Value $197

Value $997

Value $997

Total Value = $2,132

Regular Price = $1,497

Today’s Price:


“You guys are so gifted! It was such a blessing to be on there I look forward to more!!!”

Gabi was right about my knees they didn't hurt at that time but that evening they were bad and it was very painful in my chest. I had a hard time breathing, so she saw it before it happened! You guys are so gifted! It was such a blessing to be on there I look forward to more!!!

A hopeful human

Meet your Guides...

“Meg is a Mom, a wife, a MEGApreneur, the Podcast Host of The Meg Rock Show, and an Energy + Self-love obsessed coach + speaker.”

Meg is the Soul Fire Activator. Meg guides you to see the spark of your soul that has always flickered and helps you during your trials. When you recognize that you have always been held, you re-embrace the knowing that the partnership with your soul is always waiting on you to lock arms and keep evolving. 

Megs passion is showing women like you that you are your greatest healer + warrior. You can have everything you want in this life if you live a life aligned with that same energetic vibration. Meg wants you to see that your soul has always flickered for you and is always waiting for you to ignite your ultimate potential. 

So many women live a disempowered life of low self-worth and sabotage, a prisoner to their past experiences or programming. Meg empowers women to fall back in love with themselves, or maybe even love themselves for the first time so they can open the portal to all abundance in their life and activate their soul fire. When you activate the power within you, all doors of opportunity open in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. 

After financial struggles in my early 20s and learning that aligning with money was all about shifting my energetic vibration, Meg became OBSESSED with improving herself with all things energy + manifesting. This journey into understanding that money is also energy propelled her to grow a 7-figure business in her 30’s. 

Meg lives with the JOY of helping her clients step into their power and find the flow + ease on their soul journey, whether it be love, wealth, health, or opportunity.



“Gabi is a wealth activator for 7 + 8-figure entrepreneurs, removing energetic blocks to expand their wealth, in a way aligned with their soul.”

Gabi was born with intuitive abilities. She has been able to see and communicate with the spirit world since she was little…Jesus, angels, cosmic beings.

She had a career in marketing and pr and tucked her secret gifts away until one day when she decided it was time to come out of the Woo closet.

The older she gets, the more her ability to see what is happening inside the human body has grown. She feels other people’s pain and ailments in her body, and she can see the emotional- energetic connection.

She has grown a reputable business, teaching and guiding her clients to receive and activate miracles in every area of their life. She is a wealth activator for 7 + 8-figure entrepreneurs, helping to remove energetic blocks to expand their wealth and showing them that even in a high-pressure world, they can build a business that’s more aligned with who they are on the soul level.

Teaching her clients that making money doesn’t have to be stressful and that you don’t have to manipulate and step on those in the way to get there. With the ability to see + hear beyond this physical world, Gabi has the ability not only to see money blocks, but she can see her client’s mental, emotional, and physical blocks.

Her greatest desire is for her clients to see that they have the power to shift their energy (in relationships-health-wealth) with a new perspective, a new understanding of their soul, why they are here, and to learn that they are their greatest healer + activator.. 

Gabrielle Marguerite,

Soul Fire Collective


“Today was spent fully believing in myself and knowing I was worthy of competing with the strong women!”

Meg, THANK YOU SO MUCH for reminding me just to have fun in my session today! That is exactly what I did today, and was so surprised with how well we did!! Today was spent fully believing in myself and knowing I was worthy of competing with the strong women! Thank you again for all of your help!

Hannah G.

“I’ve been on the receiving end of many coaching/ counseling scenarios, and Meg blew my mind.”

 I’ve been on the receiving end of many coaching/ counseling scenarios, and Meg blew my mind.  She was able to pull out aspects of me I have been avoiding.  She held me to the fire and made me see where I sabotaged myself.  She revealed childhood experiences that no one but me could know.  And she intuitively connected with family members; through her, they helped me see childhood traumas and a way forward.  I’m starting to see real breakthroughs and feel a shift in how I show up now.